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Homeopathy exists within a holistic paradigm of healthcare. It is a system of medicine which views all levels of wellness (body, mind, emotions, soul etc) as integrated systems of the whole which cannot be separated from each other. Homeopathy does not merely give lip service to holistic concepts, nor does it attempt to address multiple levels of wellness as distinct complaints separate from the whole and from each other. Rather, it really is holism in action. Whilst many might be conditioned to experience, say, eczema as a separate issue to their insomnia, homeopathy considers both to be different expressions of the same internal dis-ease. Therefore, true healing work must address all expressions of dis-ease, on every level.

Liquid homeopathic medicine gathers at the end of a glass pipette held over an amber glass vial

"High dilutions of something are not nothing. They are water structures which mimic the original molecules."

Dr. Luc Montagnier, Nobel Prize laureate

I feel it in my waters

Clear water glistens over a rocky creek bed reflecting light spectrum

“Why, when a poison is diluted in water to the point where it cannot be physically detected, does the previously toxic solution then become therapeutic? When the substance itself is gone, and all that is left is the information from the vibration, both poison and medicine become the same.”

- Masaru Emoto, 'The Hidden Messages in Water'

To those of a conventional mindset, homeopathy holds some frankly stunning concepts. None of these concepts are more contentious than the process of preparation of homeopathic medicines. This process requires sequential dilution and succussion (vigorous shaking or striking against a firm surface) of a substance from a starting preparation, or "mother". In fact, these preparations can extend well beyond the point at which, chemically speaking, there "should" be no remaining molecules of the original substance.


Homeopaths have long understood the importance the role of water plays in the preparation of homeopathic medicines. Homeopaths do not argue that the mechanism of action of homeopathic medicines is the same as that of conventional pharmaceuticals - that there is a biochemical interaction of the drug within the body causing physiological effects. Rather, that there is an energetic signature of the original substance, unleashed and amplified by the process of preparation, which is held by the water in which it is diluted.


This is why homeopathy is sometimes termed "water medicine". It is a water medicine for water beings (you, me, our pets, animals, livestock, plants crops etc.).

"Homeopathy is the latest and refined method of treating patients economically and nonviolently. Governments must encourage and patronise it in our country."

- Mahatma Gandhi


The Vital Force

Even if we accept that water can hold this energetic signature of natural substances, how is it possible that this can effect physiological changes within the body?


Central to the philosophy of homeopathy is the concept of the vital force. The vital force is the life force which flows through every cell within us. It is the energy, the dynamic force, the prana, the Qi, that animates us, that is us. It is the innate wisdom which already knows how to heal.


According to traditional principles, it is not that homeopathic medicines cause molecular, drug-like interactions with cellular receptors which in turn cause physiological changes in the body, rather, it is that homeopathic medicines contain information to which the vital force can then respond.

Man meditates cross-legged in nature with sun shining through trees in background

"To every action there is an equal and opposed reaction"

- Isaac Newton


Like cures like

Small lettered blocks spell the word HOMEOPATHY on rustic wooden table

Those who utilise homeopathy understand that we are working with two forces: the vital force of the person, and the vibrational force of the homeopathic, "water medicine". The vital force reacts in response to the information within the homeopathic medicine.


Thanks to Newton's work in physics, we know that action and reaction are equal and opposite. In this way, the vital force responds to medicines and drugs in an opposite way. For example, if there is inflammation in the body, something which acts to reduce that inflammation may cause the vital force to then respond with more inflammation in the long run.


When using homeopathic medicines, we select medicines which we know to cause the same symptoms the person is experiencing so that the vital force can then respond with health and wellness. For example, Coffea cruda, or unroasted coffee - in it's dilute and potentised form - may be selected to relieve symptoms of insomnia. Or red onion, as a homeopathic medicine, with it's burning, watery, itchy eyes and nasal discharge, may be selected to relieve symptoms of hayfever. These medicines act to stimulate a healing response from the vital force.


In homeopathy YOU do the healing. your vital force responds to the medicine to re-establish a state of health.

laptop sits open on table showing images of online meeting in progress

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A cork-stoppered vial of homeopathic pillules is held by a hand between thumb and forefinger

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Pink hexagonal water crystal structure Inner Brilliance Homeopathy logo

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